
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, November 27, 2015

Excited about excitons

Yesterday I really enjoyed the environment while walking the last kilometre to work from the bus stop. Sun was shining and trees were swaying very slightly. Got entangled to the air for a moment. Since then, wind picked up. Today there has been quite strong wind. I heard that even a storm has been predicted for the upcoming days.

Last night I heard the sound of deeply breathing out from the body, which was at a distance (has usually happened just before OBE). No OBE, though. Dreams have been boring, too (just games).

Today an extraordinary excitement struck me when a lecturer was describing excitons in crystal lattices. Haven't heard a lecture that captivating for years. A lot of curiosity and ideas of research topics & applications came to mind. There it also occurred to me that limpidprogress' idea for obtaining immortality for working on all the hobbies .. you know, maybe it's not that far-fetched after all?

Realized the feeling of cold is nothing other than unbalanced Yin and Yang. I have plenty of Yin, but there's a problem with Yang. Especially when I'm chatting with someone about spiritual stuff. So, I just need to stay still and meditate a lot more. In addition to random moments of meditation, I have been feeling a few waves of heat, followed by the familiar sensation of the bindu fluid spreading around in the head.

Ghost Hound is amazing.

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