
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hike, flight dream

A dream with an old classmate, who missed my birthday wishes. I didn't and still don't mind :).
Anyway, there was some kind of an orienteering hiking competition and we were in a team together. He used to be the fastest runner in the school, so he went quite fast. I managed to catch up with him, then went ahead, then he caught up and so on. It was quite fun, and eventually we flew around. Then after that, we rolled around on skateboards (first time for me, but he was quite proficient at it).

Ears (one at a time) started ringing quite loud. At the same time, something was going on with the blockages in the head. Also noticed distinct streams of heat coming from the hands.

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