
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, February 22, 2010

Walking on snow

I realized I had misunderstood at least two important things:
Man when seeking to be the master of himself, seeks so on all the planes physical, mental and spiritual nor can they be severed, for they are all related, being but differing aspects of the one all-pervading Consciousness.

Having studied the theory of this Yoga, one may ask: “Can one get on without it?” The answer is: “It depends upon what you are looking for”. If you want to rouse Kundalini Sakti, to enjoy the bliss of union of Siva and Sakti through Her and to gain the accompanying powers (Siddhis), it is obvious that this end can be achieved only by the Kundalini Yoga. In that case, there are some risks incurred. But if Liberation is sought without desire for union through Kundalini, then, such Yoga is not necessary; for, Liberation may be obtained by Pure Jnana Yoga through detachment, the exercise and then the stilling of the mind, without any rousing of the central Bodily-power at all. Instead of setting out in and from the world to unite with Siva, the Jnana Yogin, to attain this result, detaches himself from the world. The one is the path of enjoyment and the other of asceticism.
Taken from the same Kundalini book again. First, I had messed up those two types of Yogas and thought that there was only one of them. Actually no, the second type seems like self-destruction to me now while the first one _is_ going through psionics. So, in order to achieve liberation, the path through da weird stuff is da 'aight one. Moreover, I haven't paid much attention to keeping my body healthy before and that's clearly one of the bottlenecks of my wannabe psionics practices.

I have been attending school and meditating mostly. Well, I also tried to cool myself down while sloshing around in the snowdrifts by visualizing blocks of ice and cold water inside my coat - I still got pretty sweaty though. When coming home, I realized that walking on the snow should be much easier than attempting to walk on water and tried it. As you might have guessed, it didn't work out very well, but hey, it's my first time. Anyway, the state of my mind seemed to have affected it a bit. I sometimes felt lighter and when I did, I didn't fall so deep into the snow. This could have been just a few coincidences, but it doesn't change the fact that walking on snow is good for levitation and walking on water practices.

I stared at the psiwheel again a few days ago. It didn't move. I know this sounds noobish, but I guess I have dumped it again until I can clearly visualize it spinning in my mind. Just staring at it and trying to feel it move for a week or two doesn't seem right to me - I have to go on trying different things..

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