
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, January 31, 2014


First an angle saw, then 5 cm by 5 cm with a pneumatic hammer, pickaxe and shovels. A few hours later reached gravel. About 70 cm we had to dig into the limestone. By the end of the day (about 6 hours later), the grave pit was done.

At first it was warm, around -13 *C without wind. By the end of the day, however, a strong wind had picked up and it became pretty cold. Hadn't eaten properly for 1.5 days, so I kept running out of energy quick.

Guys drank vodka and made a lot of jokes since morning already. It seems it's a custom or something to get drunk with amnesia before the funeral or something. Couldn't sleep too well with all this drunk ramblings and impolite jokes. Sensed a lot of sadness in people, whereas I didn't feel any different. Others thought it was because I hadn't spent that much time with uncle. I don't think that's true. It seems logical that after one has lost enough dear ones, it no longer makes sense for them to cling to people in their material form.

At the graveyard, I noticed something peculiar about the wind. As the wind picked up, it nudged my back first (as if a really strong gust of wind pushed against my back, while the wind seemed very localized). Looked around - no wind, nothing. A few minutes later, the same happened - looked around and saw the branches of the trees swaying a little. It's a blizzard today and finally some more snow. :)

Can't seem to find the post on it, but once I had a dream, where I was without a body at a graveyard, at peace and enjoying the weather. My current father called me and I left the graveyard to accompany him. Still didn't have a body then. Some time later in the dream, I did. An old dream, which makes a lot more sense now. Uncle's life also makes more sense now, as well as the lives of the people feeling sad about his loss.

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