
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Due to this headache, I moved the point of focus down to the throat chakra.

An interesting experience. While I was dreaming, an entity from outside the dream world came near me. That weird tingly feeling as it entered the aura and stopped at the right side of the neck. It was the same black cat from the previous post, licking the right side of my neck. That felt very weird .. cat interacting with the psi directly. Mind started to worry about it, what if the cat would suddenly bite into the neck? Since the cat was purely an energy form, I couldn't see it, I couldn't touch it, I wouldn't have been able to defend myself with that dream mind. The cat did no harm :)

Though, dreams were not as lucid as the previous nights when I put forth more effort to maintain the focus 24/7.

Today after lunch and fresh air, the headache almost disappeared. I was very happy.

Now I've moved the point of focus back to the top of the head, trying not to push it too much.

Edit: Maybe that was not a good idea. Moved focus back to the throat chakra.

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