
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Imagine the unimaginable

Some pk-healing to recover from this pain. Slept more-or-less okay last night. Pain suddenly got worse at 4 - 5 AM, but pretty much disappeared by morning.

Took several naps yesterday. I guess the pain kept me in a half-sleep state. Wandered places and talked with other beings about stuff. While usually I'm not pleased with the slowness of my spiritual progress, then in that state it seemed okay. Actually, my worldly attempts at OBE, psychokinesis, etc. seemed sort of lame and boring from there.

Remembered that a few days ago, I had an idea for meditation. Tried to visualize a dense homogenous sphere in the void where there is no light (thus, can't see the sphere), no sound (can't hear) and no limbs can reach the sphere in the void (thus, can't touch it). In other words, tried to visualize something that can't be visualized with normal senses. I like the idea, though, I didn't see any progress there.

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