
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3 methods for stasis

Tried different techniques for altering the speed of the propeller today evening. 
  • I tried to bring it to a halt by staring at it until my mind becomes blank and then intend it to stop spinning (it seemed effortless, but as it started to slow down, some kind of excitement reflexes got triggered and my mind came out of the blank state). 
  • I also tried visualizing a dense construct around the propeller (couldn't get it dense enough - I suck at constructs). 
  • Then I just visualized the blades spinning in reverse, but with this method, the slower the blades became, the more concentration it seemed to require to keep the visualization (I really should practice focal meditation more, I guess).
Couldn't get it slow enough for the blades to be clearly seen at 30 fps.

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