So, there's no time for whining any more, I have to practice my concentration daily. I guess that's what someone has been trying to help me with - forceful concentration exercises during meditation or even when I'm asleep. See the "chest" tags and this post:
Thanks to poseidonii on youtube, I found a page with a few good concentration exercises:
I'm slowly advancing with the first concentration exercise. I tried the covered psi-wheel again to find that the sudden twitches no longer startled me (well, not as much as they did before). I was telling my theory to my father - the theory of why my PK problems are related to the lack of concentration. While doing so, I noticed that I put it in an interesting way: "When you're concentrating on the object deeply enough so that you lose the feeling of yourself and only the feeling of the object remains, your reflexes no longer work." It's interesting because I hadn't realized it before saying it.
ShirakOmegaX commented on the stasis field attempt and motivated me to try it again. I still couldn't stop it, nevertheless make it spin in reverse, but I realized, just how good the exercise is for improving on the ability to concentrate.
TheMoonKingdom sent an awesome reply to my message. I'll quote it when he gives the permission. In general, he suggested me to focus on the process of practicing PK instead of the outcome. He said that the ability to concentrate also depends on what we are concentrating on.
Here's how he commented my urge to practice PK on the covered psi-wheel:
I associate it with gaining skeptic approval; which is not what PK is about for me. It's kind of like, you finally break free of one reality box by accomplishing PK. Then you let the skeptics put you into a new one...literally:) It's a different skill because there is less kinetic energy to manipulate in a small container. That being said; there may be value to this skill, but you might want to ask yourself why you want to learn it. I can get it to move, but I don't see what it does for me compared with other PK skills:)
And here is his tip regarding issues on concentration:
A Tip:
Try to admire the things you want to move rather than focusing on the outcome. To quote The Book of Five Rings, "Do something for the spirit of the thing itself". These are the words of a samurai, experienced with facing death in one move, but focused on the beauty of the sword draw insted of life & death. To master concentration, you need to enjoy the thing you're concentrating on. I'm sure you have no trouble concentrating on a video game, or a cute girl, or delicious meal ect. You develop focus by making the thing you're focused on, the meaning of life while your focused on it:)
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