
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A log of events

Stared at a hanging rope out on the balcony yesterday morning. Suddenly had the feeling of consciousness being somewhere else and something happening. Plants on the window sill swayed around, as if there were a great wind in my room (windows and doors were closed, ventilation system was off).

A couple of evenings ago, I played some with the PsiCam on UStream again. This time there was nobody else online. Stared at stuff, couldn't even move the egely wheel this time. The mind lamp was still making different colors (mostly blue and violet on me). An impulse thought: "Green". Mind lamp changed to green. While staring at the tinfoil psi-wheel in the jar, I suddenly experienced the feeling of consciousness being somewhere else and something happening (copy paste rulz). The egely wheel burst spinning. I guess the tinfoil psi-wheel also twitched a little.

Two days ago, while modelling something in SolidWorks, I saw a welding symbol appear inside a square profile. Thought: "No, that's not supposed to be there.." ::poof:: disappeared, didn't even have to move the mouse or anything.

Two days ago, while walking home from school, I saw a car with round red and gray paint splotches. Looked like an unfinished paint job or something. Looked away and targeted the thought of it looking ugly. Changed it to looking stylish. Looked back .. red and silver squares + something flameish at front .. stylish. Maybe I saw wrong at first, or maybe it really did change.

Ego really has grown a lot. Experienced anger from really small things yesterday. Tried to avoid giving it momentum. A while later, a cloud of heat started moving up from the abdomen. Felt really tired all of a sudden. Moved attention away from that also, and the day continued as if nothing had happened.

Had a dream yesterday where I moved to another building nearby.

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