A few suggestions copied from a forum post:
- Recall the dreams or perhaps even write them down.
- Relax all the muscles in the body before sleep.
- Relax the mind before sleep (leave daily worries and problems next to the pile of clothes, for example). Perhaps even meditate briefly before falling asleep.
- Don't eat late.
- Come up with an activity that will betray the fact that you're dreaming (look at your hands, check the watch for time, read a piece of paper with text or attempt crazy pk like flying around and throwing Kamehameha). Practice that activity when you have the slight suspicion that you may be dreaming.
- Sometimes try to move without moving your body (works when the body has fallen asleep and the mind is still awake).
- Practice concentration to avoid the mind sticking to random dream events around you. Each time it does that, it tends to pop into another dream, forget itself and it'll take a while for it to realize that it's dreaming again.
The other points I've sometimes forgotten as well.
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