
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, June 14, 2015


This may be useful for people who want to tackle lucid dreaming and OBE / astral travel.

A few suggestions copied from a forum post:
  1. Recall the dreams or perhaps even write them down.
  2. Relax all the muscles in the body before sleep.
  3. Relax the mind before sleep (leave daily worries and problems next to the pile of clothes, for example). Perhaps even meditate briefly before falling asleep.
  4. Don't eat late.
  5. Come up with an activity that will betray the fact that you're dreaming (look at your hands, check the watch for time, read a piece of paper with text or attempt crazy pk like flying around and throwing Kamehameha). Practice that activity when you have the slight suspicion that you may be dreaming.
  6. Sometimes try to move without moving your body (works when the body has fallen asleep and the mind is still awake).
  7. Practice concentration to avoid the mind sticking to random dream events around you. Each time it does that, it tends to pop into another dream, forget itself and it'll take a while for it to realize that it's dreaming again.
Edit: Forgot the most important one: Be impeccable. In other words, make sure that you won't become lost in illusions (pretty or not).
I used to write down dreams before I had learned to write (and type). Used to type them down on an old 0286 and print out with a dot matrix printer. Wow, should revive old habits.

The other points I've sometimes forgotten as well.

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