Chatted with father yesterday, on the subject of manipulating the past. A strong storm appeared each time I tried to raise a point. The storm redirected father's attention so he looked out of the window instead.
Before sleep, I remembered this experience with smoke. Visualized the smoke engulfing me and cleansing the energy body. After a while I noticed that the smoke was dissipating from areas where it was no longer needed. I guess I fell asleep before I became fully cleansed (the chest or upper-back remained in smoke). Remained aware throughout most of the night again. Woke tired.
Today morning our old kettle powered itself on without any water in it.
On a bus today I stood next to a man with skin flaking off in a few places. He seemed to be quite humble and nice, as if he had just recently overcome an addiction or something. At some moment I saw a distortion in the energy field above his head. It looked as if a sphere was about to form .. a semi-transparent 60 degree arc formed. Right when this happened, the man looked up at it. I was a bit puzzled, wondering if this was somehow semi-consciously caused by me.
Recently I've noticed that as I walk past some bushes, their branches sometimes bend away .. as if there were a bubble of swirlwind around me.
On my way to the bus station, I focused on the upper-back region that makes a cracking sound when I stretch it. Also, that's the spot where energy tends to get tangled. After some practise with that, something changed. It feels as if the crown is about to open up again. Waves of heat ascended up the spine. This time the heat was more intense than before.
One other thing. It seems kind of funny that almost each morning I wake up into the sunlight blinding me. As if urging me to practice sun gazing. I don't think I have time for that, though. Seven hours of sleep each night anyway and I wouldn't want to wake up even earlier. Today also fell asleep tens of times in the bus. Luckily didn't miss the bus stop, tho. Anyhow, my willpower was not strong enough to cut the sleepiness, except for just prior to the arrival.