
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Inspired for OBE

Owltwelve posted on his journal that he has been visiting Mars astrally, and took up healing the planet. I want to get my OBEs to the stage where I could do that too.

Last night I tried to keep the mind blank, but the pressure of the force field was too great in some areas within the skull. One such area was on the left hemisphere, another at the center, near the pineal gland. So, I dissipated the focus and had chaotic dreams. Today it's been a bit more difficult to reassemble the concentration.

Reading Castaneda spawns so many goosebumps. :)
Very cool, how Castaneda's puzzle of life starts coming together, only to reveal more mysteries. Flashbacks or memories of being in places or doing stuff that can't be, are getting a whole new meaning.

Hmm .. remembered that today morning I saw something ordinary that seemed awkward. Walked past the beach and a lady was tanning. What made it strange, it was a week day 8 AM and it was about 9 *C and windy outside. At least it would've been cold for me if I hadn't worn a sweater on top of a T-shirt.

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