
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, April 25, 2011

A few ideas

It seems that demotivation can be overcome with persistence. Didn't feel like practicing for OBEs it this morning (again), so I just started practicing and motivation started growing.

Noticed that I pop back in body whenever I think of something. I was focusing on the feeling of being at the bookshelf, browsing through books. There seemed to be a bug - a book too thick. Thought "What the hell" and I was back. Another thing that often seems to pop me back is memory access. When I try to remember something, I usually notice a long startup delay and when I use the memory after that, I gradually start feeling my body again.

Edit: The cover of that thick book looked plain white. There actually is a book that thick on the shelf, but it has a dark cover.

Sometimes I think I get it confused with dreaming and for some reason, wake up on an attempt to increase awareness.

The levitation method didn't seem to work yesterday evening nor today morning. For some reason, it has become a bit more difficult to visualize the feeling of levitation again. Used a method that I think I first read from psi-pog (focusing on points outside the body so that with each point, awareness draws further away from the body). There's a method that popped into my mind a couple of days ago. I would visualize myself next to the bed, jumping on the floor. The goal is to get it real enough so that I can feel the floor and see outside of the balcony window just like I would when jumping on the floor with a body. However, so far the feeling of me jumping in the body has always startled me and brought me back.


  1. Deepening techniques have been really helpful to me once I'm out of body, or even partially out. Focusing on the senses of the out of body reality seems to make it more solid. I usually touch everything rapidly; look at high contrast things, or have a destination/goal I feel emotionally compelled to achieve. The last one is important; not having goals for when you're out can really cause it to be a short experience.

    With levitation, I am currently going with the riding energy currents model. When I sit and remember levitation experiences from OBEs, it seems like a combination of riding these currents & somehow becoming a little weightless. I figure I should go with experience, even if it happened in another world, lol:)


  2. You're right, so far I haven't formulated a goal before the attempts to get out.

    It would be really cool if I developed OBE-s to such a stage where I could sit next to the body and practice levitation & pk for the whole night.

    Even just sitting out of body, meditating for the whole night would be awesome =P. Perhaps meditating on uncovering subconscious and turning it conscious..
