
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, February 11, 2011

Feeling weird

I'm tired from these busy days and was feeling pretty weird today. Lost a lot of energy in a deep sleep yesterday morning and perhaps cold chakras and channels are the cause for feeling weird. Actually, in addition to just feeling weird, I have had occasional headaches today.

At random moments, I started feeling a pull out of the body. While walking home today evening, the regular push behind my back disappeared and I was suddenly pulled to my right. It felt similar to how I think it would if one lost their sense of balance with the exception that I was still walking straight and didn't fall over. The pull was extraordinarily strong though and it took effort to walk towards my left.

While crossing the pedestrian bridge on my way to school today morning, it suddenly felt weird in the crown chakra and I felt being pulled up from the crown. It felt like almost levitating for a short moment.

Attempted pk on the match head again. Couldn't get any sparks off it, but the waves of psi had become so well visible that it was even more confusing than before. Every time I focused on the head of the match, well visible streams of psi appeared before my eyes, triggering the typical reaction of something coming too close to the eyes.


  1. I'm interested in how you would compare the levitation sensation to OBEs you've had in your life? I ask, because of my own recent experiences of body buoyancy.

    Also, I've noticed that whenever I experience a power surge or new awareness; my body & energy body seems to go haywire 1st:)


  2. I think it might have been related to the power drop due to losing a lot of energy. Previous state of energy density is slowly recovering and I'm feeling better with each day again. And, now I know which exercises work the best for me.

    It's difficult for me to tell a difference between an OBE and physical sensations. At some point I thought I had realized the difference between those two, but I'm not so sure of this anymore.

    Haven't practiced levitation the way I used to a while ago, but back then I OBE-d instead of lifting up physically.

    Maybe there's no difference between these two?
    At least that's what the following page suggests:
