A lot of personal messages popped up at the forum yesterday night and today morning. Sy sent one with tips on rolling a can, Treasure Hunter sent 4, owltwelve 1. All of them had motivating content. Also, after watching the last episode of Mindfreak a couple of days ago, interesting posts have started to appear on various pk forums. All of them describe how Chris Angel had inspired them to succeed in pk (one appeared on psionicsonline, one on Shirak's forum).
I turned the fan on, wondering what I should do next. So far I haven't been able to stop the fan directly, as higheriam once suggested. So, I took the soda can and placed it on the spot where I usually attempt to roll it. With the fan on, the can was already wobbling and occasionally rolling a little.
Whenever it was about to roll over the edge of the table, I built a construct to bounce it off. Although it was right at the edge for at least 3-4 times, it never fell off the table. There were a few moments when I got the feeling of rolling right and it rolled well in the intended direction. In the end I was rolling it towards the edge to bounce it in the intended direction and then add momentum by rolling it forward. Although I couldn't roll it past the dent very easily yet, it was great fun. After the session, the feeling of rolling was everywhere in the body and my hands and legs felt pretty weird. Just like I felt typhoon Megi in October.
Visualized the pressure in the cyclone Yasi dissipating upwards and away. This is the first time I have tried to redirect pressure. Usually I have just attempted stasis field on the wind and water so far.
Practiced pk on a psi-wheel with Lwr today. Psi density started building up around the psi-wheel and my head fast, but it didn't seem to have been of much help. Later I realized that I had been focusing on the lightness and sensitivity of the psi-wheel back when moving it seemed effortless. Now I was automatically making it dense and heavy instead. I guess stasis field practice has its downsides =D..
Yay, I did it, I got it to move past the point where it rolled to the other end of the table (the table is slanted) .. when I tried to apply the same feelings that I had used for the psi-wheel. It even fell off the table for quite a few times. Managed to repeat it 2x.
The first time it rolled to the other end of the table, the rolling looked weird. The can looked like it was almost levitating, skidding on the table. During the other 2 attempts, it was rolling normally.
Lwr asked me to show it to him and we managed to repeat it a few more times.
I still wanted to do something fun even though I didn't feel like practicing pk much tonight anymore. So, I just relaxed with the feeling of content over pk practice. I started seeing another person with the same thoughts and feelings. He was happy about his day, enjoying the sunset from the stairs of a temple. There were trees around the temple and the sun set behind these trees.
Awesome work withe the can! Other fun things to go for with the fan blowing. are; ping-pong balls, keeping the psi_wheel on a pin even though the fan is blowing, Ryty if you have one:)
Thanks, I tried rolling the can without the fan as well. These tiny movements came a lot easier than before. There's still some work to do before I get it rolling across the table without the fan.