
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Visited the gym today and it was somewhat exhaustive (it tires me easily when I don't have the time to go there often enough). Spending all days in school, building, coding and testing subsystem prototype doesn't leave much for gym, meditation and pk practice.

Came home and just relaxed / meditated, listening to music. Micro-pk-ed 3 songs in a row and in the intended order.

With each day I feel I'm understanding more and more of Rich's theory (see a couple of posts back). When I look at this material world from a sand-box-like perspective, it becomes easier to perform pk and manifest situations. Also, it's starting to make sense why people would have made such agreements for realizing this world. It's safe and stable .. like a nursery and yet it's so detailed and perfect that it makes me feel proud. This is all what father has been telling me for years already and I didn't get it before .. had to realize it myself.

Dad's mind was clouded in thoughts at the department store. I had already asked him one question twice. It didn't get through. So, I semi-subconsciously created a construct in his head. He immediately turned around and asked: "What?" He looked a bit surprised and confused about the way I was communicating with him.


  1. Wow, that's awesome telepathy with your dad! I continue to experience progress with thought projection & influence, though usually most people don't consciously realize the thoughts are coming from me. They usually perform a task or say words I send. Sometimes I target an individual, & other times I send out an unintentional broadcast and someone near does what I need done. I say influence as a euphemism for mind control really, but that's what seems to be happening a lot lately & influence sounds somewhat less scary. I'm really not sure what to think about this skill which is developing, even though I'm not actively training it.

    I really agree with Rich's theory as well. Though, I have experienced that someone with a strong will and charisma, has an easier time bending this reality and convincing others to agree with the new rules. One of my thoughts when I began asking people to join Shirak's forum was that I intended to create a reality bubble where psions could progress faster than usual. I have a lot of charisma, so within the reality bubble I could constantly praise everyone as a superhero. This allows me to carry the burden of some of the usual PK doubts, so my friends could focus on training & feel safe trying new things. Then the energy starts bouncing & everyone is doing the same for me. Before you knew it, there was a bargain sale on radiometer stasis, water bending, & training with wind outdoors. I started progressing much faster as well. Suddenly I have the strength of will for training I was never able to do before, & enlightenment seems like it's within reach for more than one of us:)

    I had been making more elemental entrainment MP3, but have decided to scrap that & focus on guided OBE & lucid dream training. It I am starting with body awareness/muscle control, & will also make tactile visualization & astral temple MP3s as well. I think this may help many of us.

    I've said this before but I think you're an extremely talented psion. I bet if you wanted to reach enlightenment in this lifetime you probably could.


  2. Thanks, I think we are all progressing on the path of enlightenment (or path towards enlightenment).

    Your reality bubble has been really effective. While watching Avatar in the cinema, I dreamed of stepping into the world of pk so that it would become a new reality more real than the previous one (as it wonderfully happened to Jake). Your constructs helped this dream come true =). Also, Shirak's forum is simply the best and most motivating forum online.
