
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, May 22, 2015

Observation on Yin-Yang

First of all, I would like to point out that the post on doubles vs. scalar effects is bulls. Although it was an interesting idea, I misunderstood what don Juan had meant by the double. Later in the book he said "the double dreams the self", which basically flushed my interpretation.

Thanks to an owltwelve's post on the forum .. I realized something that's probably quite simple and obvious. Pain is tension, tension is concentration. So, in essence, not letting go or clinging to something is concentration on it - yang. Letting go is non-concentration - yin. The golden path is the perfect mixture of yin and yang.

That's why willforce doesn't help against yang saturation - because willforce itself is concentration, which is yang. Yang saturation must be balanced out with meditation on a completely blank state of mind or nature-empathy (same thing).

Tested this out on the digestion. The effect was reproducible. Each time I let the cloud of consciousness relax and spread out, digestive system jump-started again. Went to the kitchen, took a banana and an apple. A couple of minutes later I realized that's yin too.

The imbalance has been caused because of me being nervous about students' theses, the project, my article and now a trainee. Failed one of the students, while the work of the other seems more promising.

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