
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ceiling flashed white

Read some more conspiracy theories and stuff on Sunday. Went jogging in the evening. Felt a lot of psi.

When I came back, I heard a little girl weeping, as she moved past me with a scooter. Looked at her, thought: "don't cry". Right when I did, she quickly turned around, almost crashing with the scooter, looked at me for a split-second and rushed towards her home.

She didn't freak out, nor did she think about it much. I was happy.

Happy dreams on Saturday and Sunday. However, the awareness and lucidity in the dreams is dropping considerably. A meditation session of a couple of minutes on meditating for hours or days must've helped a lot.

Occasionally there's a nice propagation of heat and occasionally there's a nice stream of psi and peace in the mind. There have been a few realization moments as well, however, it's still too immature for me to be able to post any.

Stared at the ceiling today. Saw several "white fibers" of psi there. Relaxed and got the feeling of being slightly out of body, walking around on the walls and the ceiling. As the sensation of gravity towards the ceiling increased, I suddenly saw the ceiling flash bright white (for perhaps half a second). That was .. weird.


  1. Just out of curiosity, do you remember the time when it happened? Maybe should ask if someone else has been experiencing these?

    The part with the kid was nice. She's probably thanking you right now. :P

    1. I guess, about 8 PM, or 7-ish.
      Most likely an awake OBE symptom.

      I doubt that .. me suspicious :)
