
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ancient levitation

Busy times again..

I found this thread on levitation in the VSociety forum. Most of the posts are nonsense, with the exception of a few lost in the 8-pages-long thread. VitalDragon brought up a few old Indian scriptures with short guides on how to attain siddhis. Most of the guides were similar to this and actually won't say much about it:

The yogi may obtain laghimâ [lightness] by conciliating his consciousness in Me as being the subtle substance of the [natural division of] time [as the basis or primal substance] to the material elements that are there in the form of atoms [see also cakra].
By Samyama on the relationship between the body and space (akasha) and by concentrating on the lightness of cotton, passage through space can be attained.

The feeling of lightness I can understand, but the relationship between the body and space is something I don't think I have experienced.

One more thing that I would like to find in these ancient scriptures is teleportation.

Edit: I think I found it:

Completely absorbing the mind in Me one can with the wind [the breath, the subtle air], that follows the mind to have the body focused on Me, by the power of that meditation find the [physical] self to be going wherever the mind goes [manojava].

Maybe it sparks for someone. I have busy times ahead again..

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