
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blizzard shielding

There was quite a blizzard today. Crossing the pedestrian bridge was quite difficult with this snow and wind. My eyes were being bombarded with snow so that it hurt. Although it was perfect for shielding practices, it didn't seem to have much of an effect on the snow. The wind didn't reach my skin, but the shield couldn't do much against the impulse of the incoming snowflakes.

Made psi spiral around me through the shield later. Well, the wind probably slowed down and it wasn't snowing so heavily anymore, but I think it worked a bit better than just visualizing a shield repelling off snowflakes and redirecting wind. Found that there was a discussion on spiraling energy movement on the forums as well.

Started listening to owltwelve's "atmospheric density" beat and within the first minutes, headphone wire started jolting around, though I didn't move myself. Pretty weird geisting and slightly distractive .. makes it somewhat more difficult to focus on the vibrations of the "atmosphere" or psi. =D I keep falling asleep while listening to the beat. Tempo seemed to get slower and slower and soon I was dreaming.

Took a break and went to kitchen. Corridor fluorescent lamp flickered, boom, a total blackout for a second or two. As I entered my room again, a fuse flipped out and my room went dark. It turns out that the lamp in father's room had burned out.

Opened the balcony for some fresh air a couple of hours later and there was another power shortage. And I was wondering why the streetlamps were all dark. Hm, it seems my control needs some more work =D.


  1. Hey man, the wind body training seems to work very well for moving the snow around. Also, RyTy, training against a fan until it's a reflex, conditioned my mind to may up drafts without thinking about it. It's one of Shirak's understated methods, but it has really been one of the most important ways for me to train.

    Concerning the entrainment files, remember to think of it as conditioning rather that a psi shortcut, even though it can be that as well. The trick is to get used to staying alert while in the theta brainwave state. This will give you more direct access to your subconscious & it's power. Consider that not only are master meditaters in in theta most of the time, but so are small children who spend most of their time programming survival & conformity constructs.

    Anyway, you can breakup the slow brainwave entrainment with the cloud flaring MP3. I made that one specifically for you. You seem to be the only other person on the forum actively training your crown chakras, which the cloud flaring file stimulates with higher frequencies. Let me know how it goes:)


  2. Thanks, I'll try the cloud flaring MP3 as well.
