
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ice walking again

Meditated for a few short sessions yesterday and felt a lot better today morning. Instead of breathing through Pingala channel the whole day, the channel of Ida even opened up and I felt the surroundings a lot better.

It turned from about -15*C to 0*C today morning and started raining. So that roads were even more slippery than before. Instead of trying the old spiky boots again, I preferred focusing on the feeling of 'I'. My conscious moved away from feet and ground, I started feeling really calm, I barely breathed and for the 10 minutes I was in this state, I didn't slip. I was walking like I would on asphalt. Well, I wasn't even paying attention to how I was walking, because I felt like I couldn't slip anyway. When I started thinking about it later, I started slipping more and even fell once.

While coming home, I barely slipped at all even when my mind was busy.

Put the radiometer on a new height yesterday and the vanes started jumping around, slowing down for a few times today. Hm, it seems that the lamp is too much for this radiometer - its rotation goes really unstable on such speeds. Anyway, it's cool to watch the jumpy blur of the vanes.

Lights have occasionally been flickering today again. The lights just dim down for less than a second.

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