
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Thursday, March 3, 2011


While practicing pranayama again yesterday evening, I got a few hot rushes of psi from the root chakra that moved up into the head. It's these really pleasurable feelings of "out of breath" while pumping the stomach that seem to move up into the head. So, it's probably not an out-of-breath feeling at all, it's something else. Similarly to how a few months ago I found that the feeling I had considered as hunger was actually not hunger at all. 

Attempted to light a match again. I decided to record it anyway, to see if the camera catches the waves of psi that I would see around the match. Couldn't light the match yet and there were no waves or smoke-like aura on tape. Well, there was a weird white-out in the video. Also, when I started practicing, "Into the fire" song started playing on KPM Music playlist, youtube.

It felt good to actively practice pk. With focus on the cone construct that I was pointing at the match head, I felt the surrounding space bending around the cone, objects shifting on the table and a lot of smoky waves moving around the match head.

Practiced on the match again in the evening. Tried it with hands again this time. I took the match in my right hand and made a cone from the left hand, focusing its tip on the match (like sergiovandegraaf seems to be doing it on youtube). As I sort of tranced out on it, I started feeling a strong push on the match. Some of the psi from the cone occasionally hit my right hand and caused a strong and penetrating stingy feeling. This misdirected psi looked like an arc that was similar to what they look like in plasma bulbs. Couldn't light it yet, though, the experience in itself is pretty interesting already.

Tried it with just my head again. It heated up, but I had difficulties keeping my mind from wandering off the object. It's late.


  1. That sounds pretty cool man; I wonder if me or Treasure Hunter would be able to see it. Sometimes I notice that as with anything, psions under appreciate there own accomplishments. You may be more worried about deceiving yourself than you need to be. It's like during higheriam's streaming, I was seeing lot's of auras from everyone, which helped me to notice my own a lot better:)


    P.S. I have noticed that reaching a bodiless state while in meditation & doing energy work, decreases energy resistance & raises your vibration. Any high energy side effects are gone, & OBEs seem pretty automatic. It's like when Gohan, teaches his girlfriend about ki; he tells her to just forget her body. John Chang, says the same thing in the Magus of Java, about the disappearance of body awareness being an important key to progress.

  2. Thank you.
    That was more of an interest to see if I answered Wyrm's question wrong or not.

    I don't feel it "clicking" just yet. I'm all excited and want to leap forward and come to the realization moment already, but it's still the preparations that's going on =D..
