
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, June 28, 2013

Food fail

Feeling a bit floaty and warping again.

At some moment, I realized I hadn't eaten for a while. Body felt rather weak. Still, that chicken did not look like anything I would want. Had to eat something. Failed at extracting meat, instead, a lot of oil splashed on my pants. Stood up to wash the hand. A fork jumped out of the spoon stand. Mostly kissel + kefir with a cheese sandwich, then.

Light flickers, too.

And while feeling down recently, there has been thunder and lightning. I guess I might have succeeded in shielding the antennas (apparently, nobody went there to disconnect them). Suddenly felt a relief of tension and a calmness. Just lost an UPS.

Breathing into the central channel has become easier again. Sat on the floor, cross-legged, while watching Naruto with Dad. Sitting there felt pretty pleasurable, with the flame warming up heart, hands, throat, crown. Though, as soon as I moved or spoke, the pleasure dissolved again.

Have been seeing white orbs fly around.

Somehow, the sushumna flame seems to be perpendicular to ground, even if I lay down in bed. I don't think this has always been the case, though .. or I don't know .. for some reason, I found it strange.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, row of bad luck (or probably just your subconscious messing with you). :D

    We still haven't got no lightning here. *Disappointed*. And why feeling down?

    There haven't been as much orbs as there was last year. Last year you could pretty much take a photo of anything and have orbs on it. Maybe something to do with geomagnetism.
