Woke up at 8 AM again - well, I still didn't want to study much - the previous full 2 weeks of reading books and trying to understand and memorize formulas, derivations and stuff - it was just depressive.
So, I watched videos of a cool Ogre and Newton Game Dynamics project. I had decided on starting coding the survival-horror game using Ogre and Newton Game Dynamics a few days ago.
I was eating near my laptop and accidentally ::splat:: my spoon fell empty and there were drops everywhere except for my laptop. My t-shirt and pants were dirty, but even though the plate was just a few inches from the laptop, there wasn't even a single drop on it. A shield?
I haven't managed to sleep my mind fully clear, but I could already meditate on a blank mind for a short time. Every time I feel like practicing, however, I feel too tired to do it. Then lay down in the bed, my body feels really tired, but mind is all refreshed and I couldn't sleep. Well, sleeping during the day really messes up the sleeping pattern anyway.
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