
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, January 15, 2010

Coding, mostly..

Woke up at 8 AM again - well, I still didn't want to study much - the previous full 2 weeks of reading books and trying to understand and memorize formulas, derivations and stuff - it was just depressive.

So, I watched videos of a cool Ogre and Newton Game Dynamics project. I had decided on starting coding the survival-horror game using Ogre and Newton Game Dynamics a few days ago.

I was eating near my laptop and accidentally ::splat:: my spoon fell empty and there were drops everywhere except for my laptop. My t-shirt and pants were dirty, but even though the plate was just a few inches from the laptop, there wasn't even a single drop on it. A shield?

I haven't managed to sleep my mind fully clear, but I could already meditate on a blank mind for a short time. Every time I feel like practicing, however, I feel too tired to do it. Then lay down in the bed, my body feels really tired, but mind is all refreshed and I couldn't sleep. Well, sleeping during the day really messes up the sleeping pattern anyway.

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