
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Scythian Ice Maiden

Downloaded Nexuiz yesterday morning and started playing those nostalgic deathmatches (you know, those instagibs with hooks and stuff back in the days of Quake ]|[ Arena). I had difficulties at first, but then I sometimes found myself in a somewhat different mindset where I wasn't thinking about anything, didn't care about the game or the results and nothing. What was interesting though, was that in such a mindset I tended to randomly look around and hit the 'fire' button. Well, most of the time, there was someone in the way and got hit - so I scored quite a number of frags in a few seconds before I came out of the mindset again.

So, it's my mind blocking these things again. I realized that it's similar to psionics - I kind of trance out, see it moving and then wake up, all excited. But when I'm excited, nothing happens anymore.

Vacation has made me lazy again - the exams are over and now I'm having a hard time to motivate myself to do anything.

Actually, the "not feeling any psi around me" excuse is a bad one as well - who said I always had to draw from Earth. It's difficult for me to draw from the Sun now - well, I have never done that and didn't manage to succeed in it yesterday. Maybe it's another mindblock, but it seems to me that the more complex and longer paths I create for the flow of psi, the more psi is absorbed on the way.

There are 2 tables in my room and I noticed that the other one was snapping again today (haven't heard any snapping for a few days). Well, I have heard a sound that's not snappy - it was as if one of the neighbors had something fall and bounce on their window glass every once in a while. It was somewhat annoying and as I couldn't figure out it's source, I couldn't fall asleep very easily.

My father said he saw a cool documentary on the Scythian Ice Maiden in the Altai mountains. The one he saw was really awesome, but I couldn't find it - it had been some low-quality video or something on a Russian channel. I found a BBC one that has a lot of interesting details left out. It seems that there are those funny coincidences at work again.

Father said that this place had a strange magnetic anomaly that seemed to have been affected by the people in the area. There had been someone with them who didn't feel very well and had started to call names. He left and when he did, the magnitude of the magnetic anomaly had risen about 30 times or something.

There are rumors that one of the archaeologists had found a cave with interesting drawings. He entered the cave, started feeling weird. Then there was a gap in his memory and then he woke again, right in front of the cave. Colleagues said he had been lost for a few days.

When the archaeologists reached the coffin, they started seeing bloody nightmares in their dreams. When they had managed to defrost the mummy and wanted to transport it, all of their cars stopped working - so they ordered a helicopter. While on their way, the helicopter engine suddenly died out and they had to perform an emergency landing. Then they somehow managed to transport it to some lab or something, but the fridge had suddenly broken down and when they opened the door, the mummy was degenerating and there were fungus growing on it already.

A rumor has it that earthquakes have started to appear in the area for the first time after the mummy was taken away from the burial grounds.

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