
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bindu fluid

Felt too tired for pk practice yesterday evening and went to bed early. I had probably caught some cold with my left ear and hands, so I healed them a little.

While walking to school, I occasionally focused on the Bindu point. For most of the time, my mind was busy with homework.

In the first (and last) lecture today morning, I got a couple of slight pain strikes in the head. Really short pinches that didn't hurt much. A few moments after that, I started feeling a cold liquid flowing down from somewhere around the Bindu point. It flowed down some channel behind the throat (I could swallow and it didn't affect the flow). It reached the chest and got distributed all over the chest area as well as hands. The flow of the liquid stopped at the bottom of my stomach.

I had read somewhere that when it reaches Manipura, it burns up in there. I also remember having read something like when it flows through the throat chakra, it becomes purified and that when non-purified, the liquid is poisonous or something. So, I wanted to direct it back into the head after it had gone through the throat. While visualizing this, it naturally made a knot below the throat.

Although I felt the vapor of this liquid filling my lungs, mouth and nostrils, I couldn't sense any sweet taste (like described in the texts I had read on this subject).

The feeling either weakened or I became more used to it so that I couldn't feel it very well after the lecture. It happened at a slightly uncomfortable time, because we were just doing homework for another subject during the lecture (two things to pay attention at the same time and then a third appeared - this fluid).

The fluid or even its flow is still there - I can feel it when I move or bend myself. 


  1. If you keep your attention focused on the bindu visarga, the the heat & pressure will eventually release the cerebral spinal fluid & various other chemicals. It should feel like an orgasm/ejaculation in you head; sorry to sound crude:) This should be an overwhelming pleasure unlike anything else, or at least orgasm times 10,000.

    Also, I don't think that you have to worry about the poison, as the Vishuddha, Bindu Visarga, & Lalana chakras are all linked, tend to activate together if they haven't already. Following the bliss feelings at the Bindu Visarga, you may start to feel a tickling pressure at the Lalana(soft roof palate). Performing the khechari mudra helps with the flow. There it should flow down into the Vishudda for purification.

    It will be much more potent if you are refraining from sexual release in the normal way for some weeks & months. So, they say the red drop which most men experience, rises up the Sushuma to meet the white drop from the Bindu Visarga, and the miracles happen:)

    So far I have experienced the sweet honey like taste. Even though, I have not full perfected Khechari Mudra, 90% there. I have also felt some of the healing benefits already. Anyway, perserving the red drop is definitely worth it in the end;)

