Quantum mechanics exam didn't go too well. Well, I don't have anything to lose if I fail it, nor do I have anything to lose when I pass it. Either way, I have to study it more, because even when I pass, I would have to take an oral exam to rise the grade.
Edit: The total maximum number of points that was awarded on this exam was 68 of 100. I got 51 points (barely passed it). It was funny, how quickly I was able to react - professor had just uploaded the page and hadn't even managed to write an e-mail yet. I just suddenly got the feeling that it's up while studying for spectroscopy.
Anyway, it's finally a free weekend in the span of about 3 weeks and I can practice some pk (and do homework).
Attempted pk on that wooden stick and my throat started to hurt when I put effort into trying to move it. So, I guess I'm stuck at the throat chakra now and need to solve the problems that block it.
Googled on throat chakra and found other symptoms of a slight blockage there as well. I have occasionally found it difficult to express myself in correct terminology. So far I have also had difficulties leading people - I'm too soft and often unable to motivate them (I'm too used to doing everything myself).
Meditated on the chakra before going to sleep. I started feeling a lot better.
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