Watched a few youtube videos this morning and I was a bit surprised at how well I was able to feel the people on some of these videos.
It was snowing outside again, but I thought it would be cool if there were sun shining. Decided to attempt to bring sunshine through the clouds and snowfall while walking to school. Some 10 - 20 minutes after embarking on the journey, I could see shadows on the snow relief. Cracks had formed into the clouds and a little bit of sunlight was shining through.
While walking, I felt like I was pushing myself forward with pk and at the same time somehow lessening the probability of slipping. I felt really light and walking was completely effortless.
Lately, I have always been feeling sort of high or slightly out of body and it occasionally peaks up resulting in what feels like a partial OBE (There were only some bodyparts that I wasn't in or from which awareness had moved out).
However, this time I had an experience that felt like completely stepping out of my body while walking. I remember taking a step and having a full OBE-like feeling at the same time. It was like the feeling of reality collapsed (psi density rose and I felt something like a non-linearity in space and time) and a part of me falling forward while another part stepping forward normally. After this one step, I was back in body again, a bit confused. This feeling of non-linearity in space and time is what I have been calling "feeling high" before - one may feel the same in a deep fever (feels as if space and time were wobbling around them).
When I thought about it, it had also happened before (1 or 2 years ago) when I was walking home from school. Though, back then the experience was not this intense.
I think it was related to the Bindu point, because that's where the OBE-like feeling seemed to have started from.
Took another semi-successful attempt on cracking the clouds at the first lecture.
Have been feeling short pain strikes and feelings of discomfort in random places around the body today. Also, my heart occasionally beats rapidly and pretty strong. Perhaps my body hasn't gotten used to the fluid or something. I don't feel an increase in psi density in channels / chakras, so I guess this hasn't changed much. During the second lecture, a tiny cold ball got formed in my left hand, I dissolved it just in case (seemed to have blocked a channel or something - my left shoulder started twitching when it appeared).
One more thing I have noticed during the past couple of weeks - I'm having difficulties sitting in a bad pose, as I feel disturbed when psi flow and the flow of some fluids is hindered. I start to feel bad (or even slightly sick) when I sit in a bad pose for too long.
Guess I should meditate on a blank mind for a while again.
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