
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Saturday, December 26, 2009

LD tractors

Remembered some dreams and at least one of them was lucid (probably because the dream was too detailed). I was travelling somewhere and passed through the outskirts of some town. There were all kinds of tractors, industrial buildings and a big field. It was really detailed, but only lasted for a short time - the dream faded along with focus. When my lucid dreams usually end because of waking up, this time it ended because of falling into deeper dreams.

In one dream, I was talking with my mother (who is in Spain again) and told her: "It would be nice if on our arrival, the weather on Saaremaa were exactly like I saw while meditating." Later my aunt called and said that on Saaremaa there was still snow on the ground. =/

More programming (the fixing of the game engine bugs) than anything related to psionics.

Again only a few minutes of levitation and PK practice.

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