We were sent on a quest to readjust the internet network antenna or whatever it's called. The problem was that there weren't any ladders long enough to climb on the roof. So I had to climb onto the roof of the sauna, because from there, I could get onto the roof where the antenna was. Kevin took a longer way - he climbed on the roof of the earth closet and from there he climbed onto the roof of the sauna. Snow was falling and it was 0 degrees Celsius so that the roof was slippery. It made us think that transportation and levitation really would be useful. And for a nice ending, it appeared that the antenna orientation didn't matter at all - the connection was not very good because of the weather. A reminder of the "The point of the pointless" post. We managed to climb down safely with our already tired and trembling muscles, soaked clothes and frozen fingers.
After that, we meditated for maybe 20 minutes.
After that, we meditated for maybe 20 minutes.
Found Kevin practicing EM in a separate room. Joined him and tried to build a psiball again (it's been months since I last practiced it). Well, I couldn't make even an ellipsoid and it took time before I could make something that even felt more-or-less spherical. I had a hard time concentrating energy rotating into a psiball.
Went to the living room to check if my laptop had been charged and heard something weird. There had been something raining inside the livingroom. From the looks of it, it seemed like some dirty water had dropped from the ceiling. Checked the ceiling, but it looked like it was dry. The dirty water was brown in color so that there should have been visible brown spots on the ceiling. My sister had been sitting on the couch while it suddenly started raining. She thought: "Uh oh, it started raining - I should go somewhere dry because of the laptop." But then she realized that she was in the livingroom and nothing should've been raining. Her laptop, clothes and everything were wet. Miraculously my laptop was just next to my sister's and mine was totally clean and dry - not even one drip of that brown dirty water on it.
Aunt checked the ceiling and realized that there couldn't have come anything from the ceiling, because the roof is new (just replaced it in the summer).
I went back to Kevin, told him to stop whatever he was doing and come to the livingroom. We didn't feel responsible for it and thought that my sister had done something weird, but she also denied having anything to do with this. The water reminded me of the one in "Dark Water" - a film that my sister liked.
Maybe half an hour later, my aunt discovered that her hand was cut (it reminded me of a nailhole). She said that something flew and bounced back from her hand while she was wrapping a plaster on her hand.
Showed guys and my sister some PK videos to motivate them for further practice.
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