
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, December 11, 2009

A SIGSEV Hangover

Had a short-circuit in the central part of the brain. I guess I overdid it yesterday again. They are difficult to fix, because the head doesn't hurt where the problem is, it hurts at random places. It's just like debugging some memory corruption bugs.

Today my father said that the flutist had an allergy.

I felt exhausted the whole day - too enthusiastic PK practice too suddenly. I couldn't move that can as well as yesterday - just couldn't feel it move so well. Couldn't find any new youtube psychokinesis videos.

Slept a few hours and woke up a few seconds before I had a guest (nice timing - another coincidence, I guess. I just felt like waking up). Meditated some and practiced again, but the pain in my head still occasionally pops up, but it's not as intense as it was in the morning before isolating it.

Managed to twitch the can maybe 2 times only and mostly before even recording it. Hopefully the tomorrow's practice is more successful - at least now I have some time to dedicate to practice, since the christmas holiday is approaching and the school's almost over.

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