
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Father came home late and we kept chattering on psionics and holographic universe subjects .. until it was 4 AM. He suggested me to practice telepathy on schoolwalks instead of doing it at home, as I had previously suggested we should do. Well, it's correct that I haven't practiced it on schoolwalks lately, but I didn't quite like the answer - it's the same as with all other skills, he avoids teaching me stuff and intends on me learning everything by myself. On the other hand, this is what I also like about his teaching - it clearly emphasizes that a student should be more open-minded than their teacher and should in every way surpass their teacher.

Ah, one more thing that we discussed was retrokinesis. Father didn't believe one could affect the past and on my experiment with applying stasis field on an already recorded video, he thought I might've affected the video instead. When he said this, I realized that I had a mind-block that affecting digital information is so difficult it's nearly impossible. I had failed to realize that with pk on material objects, we also don't focus on moving all molecules, but rather we focus on moving the whole. The same could be done with a video - a new kind of training - using pk to draw shapes on a pre-recorded video.

Meditated before going to sleep. Performed pranayama and khechari mudra again. Lately it has happened more than once that I take a look at the clock projection on the ceiling, meditate for what I think lasts about 30 minutes and when I look back at the clock projection, it hasn't changed. Yesterday night it showed 5.49 (which means it was actually 4.49 AM), then continued with khechari mudra and focused on Sahasrara. After a while of tongue stretching and feeling of psi rocking around in my head and above the top of my head, I looked at the clock again and it still showed 5.49. At first I thought I had remembered the clock wrong, but since it has happened at least twice already, I'm wondering if there's actually something going on.

It could be that when we tap into higher frequencies while meditating, we begin to function so much faster than usual that it would appear as if time had stopped.

Hm, judging by this wiki page on mass deficit and assuming that vacuum is full of high-energy oscillations and rather unstable, one could create matter just by dissipating energy. Now this would be fun to do with pk =D.


  1. That's awesome with the time stopping! A young friend of mine who knows about Pk, has chosen to focus his development solely on time manipulation, & has become quite good at it. Also, that sounds like a fun talk with your father. My mother was a similar kind of teacher; it was her philosophy to make growth the responsibility of the student:)



  2. Cool. I'm not very sure about the time stopping yet - it needs a lot more research. It would be interesting to see everyone stopped or moving in slow motion while walking to school or something =D.

    Father once wrote programs in Basic and built stuff with electronics. He also practiced pk more than 20 years ago.

    He no longer does any of this regularly, but to me it seems like I'm into pretty much everything he has left behind =D.
