
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Monday, December 6, 2010

Too many mind

While walking to school .. uphill at that moment, I guess my bindu point opened up a bit more or something. I suddenly got the familiar feeling of density inside and around my head. With it, more cold fluid flowed into the system and my breathing slowed down from wheezing to barely breathing at all (while still going uphill on slippery ice and snow).

It was rather windy today. Practiced wind redirection, blocking and stasis on school- and homewalks. Success rate has been almost 100% for quite a while already. Well, after mentioning success on car location (which was also about 100% for a few weeks) on the forums, I noticed that my success rate had dropped. With every attempt, my mind was clouded with thoughts on the post .. need to improve on that.

Took a pk rolling attempt on a soda can. Thought I should set camera up and recording just in case. Since it's been a while since I last recorded anything, I got a bit nervous and mind became busy. Occasionally my mind became clear enough and the can started wobbling. Should take it on more seriously when there's more time. Too bad there's a test in microworld physics at the same time as TV crew that will be interviewing students working on the student satellite (would've wanted to participate).

Have been occasionally intending on Treasure Hunter's success with opposing force training on a toy windmill yesterday and today. Sometimes I visualized the situation and attempted pk on it, trying to help him. He had taken a picture of this windmill and I found it interesting that when I first saw the picture, I saw it spinning clockwise. It was later that I read the text - he wanted to make it spin clockwise, as it would normally spin counter-clockwise with the fan.

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