
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mom returns

Yaay, Mom finally came home after working on a cruise ship for almost a year.

Just to mention, my uncle is back from hospital again. It's the second time for him to visit the hospital because of his brain tumor. Although he's into meditation and he's calm, always in control and so on, he still lives the lifestyle of famous musicians (touring from one country to another, performing live, recording songs), giving lectures, selling sea-buckthorns and marketing their products. Relaxing and taking the time off to admire one's work would really suit him. I think the same would work for FridgeNatious's mother as well.

Nice, she asked why did I buy a radiometer, when she saw it spinning under a lamp. I answered: "To stop it with my mind." Then, after we had gone shopping, played around with her Kindle (uploaded a couple of Kundalini pdf-s for her), I showed her the radiometer standing still. After that I released it from stasis again (well, it accidentally slipped when I attempted to move it in the opposite direction). =D She was interested in trying it if she were less tired.

It turned out that she had some books with a lot of info on the Bindu point and chakras above the head .. they just had different names. She suggested the following books:

While browsing through the books, the first one seemed to contain pretty awesome imagery on auras (the translation only covered 1/3 of the whole book). The second book contained a lot of diagrams on the positions of different chakras, nadis and their descriptions (though, no chakras outside the body).

I used to be really skeptical about this stuff that I now consider a treasure. From the first book, I learned that these protuberance-like aura movements around my legs probably meant psi / chi leaking out. Though, I have also seen the same aura movements in my room (around the radiometer or on the walls, for example). It would be nice to find original versions of the books (the translations are a bit off).

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