
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Convincing physicists of psionics

Spent the weekend in Voore (another satellite workshop was held there).

At some moment, I had to call the guys coming from Tallinn to ask when they would arrive. While doing so, a buddy next to me wanted them to get some beer on their way there. I finished my talk and gave the phone to him just to be polite. Otherwise I strongly oppose alcohol, tobacco and drugs. He managed to say somehing like: "Hey, could you visit a store on the way and bring us ..." (mobile phone battery went dead) "... beer. Man, I hate your phone =D." I would like to note that my mobile phone battery is okay and stays full for more than a week. So, it was just excellent timing.

The only place with internet was the bar and so I waited for a moment when there were only 3 of us left (me and a couple of physics buddies slightly interested in the paranormal). One of them was even a moderator for Estonian paranormal forum para-web. I "made a commercial" about the psychokinesis activeboard forum. They were somewhat skeptical and wanted me to show them something. Since me showing someone psychokinesis is what I'm quite skeptical and nervous about, I just showed them my stasis attempt video on the propeller. I showed them more of psychokinesis videos (owltwelve and Treasure Hunter).

Eventually they were like "Why don't we then pick a random air fan video from youtube and start stopping it?" It made me a bit nervous and skeptical again, but it wouldn't hurt to try, I thought. They hit play and the first half of the video featured this fan standing still. Then the author showed that the plug of the fan was not connected. A lot of laughter =D. He finally plugged it in and it started spinning so fast that we decided to change our target - we decided to attempt stasis on the rotation of the fan head instead. When we started with it, the author started hitting and patting the fan so that the fan head rotation occasionally stopped indeed =). A lot of laughter again. In the end, the buddies were not convinced, but it hadn't proved them wrong either because of what I had explained to them earlier (that it's affecting probabilities of events and none of this can go against physics laws).

While we were discussing over the previous experiment that had somewhat strange results, another physicist stepped into the bar. He walked to our table, took the laptop and spontaneously started reading the comments of one of owltwelve's pk videos. A few minutes later, he interrupted our discussion to ask: "What's a psi-ball? I could only find info on how to make one from the internet." Okay, this made me a bit nervous, because I had to explain this psi / energy stuff from a physicist's point of view in such a way that none of his possible preconceptions would trigger (that's tough even with people who I've known for years). I really hope that I managed to do it well enough - he stayed and kept asking questions until we decided that we had to leave for sleep.

We were watching a film and I noticed that I was reading other people's thoughts. I didn't say it out loud though, however, another guy from the satellite team answered the question that was never asked. I also noticed that we often commented on film scenes that hadn't happened yet. During the film, I could feel the lags again just like I was causing them. Bruce Lee made a cool jump and kick that we could see in slow motion thanks to nicely timed pulsing lag =).

Edit: Even a few days afterwards, my own laptop behaved the same way - it lagged pretty often and I was able to influence the times when it lagged. Managed to dissolve the construct - don't want anything to happen to these laptops.

Something is still weird - either the flu or something else. Maybe it's due to pk practice, but I occasionally get high for seemingly no reason. I was solving quantum mechanics problems in one evening and started to feel really high about solving these exercises. Sometimes I suddenly get so high that I get really dizzy for a few seconds and then manage to kind of snap back. It would be easy to explain with fever, but I don't have it since the night that I used vibration healing.

Edit: It's not flu - it's probably some secretions caused by open psi channels.

Before going to sleep one night, I attempted pk on a lemonade bottle and I noticed something that I've seen before, but haven't paid much attention to. I saw a few slightly darker blurbs of psi run across the floor in one direction. They moved too fast to make out their shape or where they came from (seemed to have come through a wall). I also saw transparent psi emanating off my legs - it looked like small sun protuberances.

A Sun protuberance


  1. I am impressed that your colleagues were willing to at least ask questions:)


  2. =D Yeah, I'm also impressed.

    I feel like preparing presentations or lectures and writing a book on "Introduction to Psionics for Physicists" or something. I think I could do it better then.

  3. I'm writing a book, but I promised myself I would wait till at least a year of PK had passed. One cool thing is that I can use a lot of what I've already written on the psychokinesis forum:)

