
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Grounding and centering

Before going to sleep yesterday, I meditated for about 45 minutes on feeding the crown chakra with psi again. In order to post it on the forum, I made a quick gimp-up:
An exercise derived from grounding and centering
This method is based on what I read from here: http://www.witchscauldron.net/cauldron/center.htm and from psi-pog. It reminds me of the magnetic field of a dipole. Here are the steps:
  1. Find a comfortable position and pose for meditation and relax.
  2. Draw psi from the Earth below you. Direct it through your spinal cord up to the top of the head and up.
  3. Increase intensity, speed and width of the psi pillar. Stop increasing it when you get the feeling of throwing up. When you experience pain (or feel psi with high pressure curling around some point) somewhere in your body, visualize opening the hatches that block your psi channels (and keep them open).
  4. Visualize psi from the pillar fall back down outside you and enter again, forming something similar to positive feedback.
  5. Increase further in intensity, speed and width for as long as you feel comfortable.
I previously (last 2 years) thought that directing psi through the spinal cord only could be dangerous and thus always started with a wide psi pillar. While it works, progress seems to be somewhat slower, since it's more difficult to increase in intensity and speed.

When I did this yesterday, I tried to direct psi through the spinal cord again (as I used to a couple of years ago) and there was an immediate improvement in psi intensity and speed. While going up in scales, I could no longer spot any limits - there were no blockages, no dizziness, no pain, nothing. Cool, 2 years ago I always kept hitting a point where I got a headache for a week. Also, sometimes I had to stop, because my head got so dizzy that I started feeling ill.

This would explain why I used to have this dizziness for the last couple of months - slightly more regular pk practice resulted in more psi being moved through my head and channels were becoming wider.

After practicing this through the top of my head, I did the same for the 3rd eye, the spot that is right behind it in the upper-neck (don't know where this came from, but I felt it was important enough) and hands. 

When going to bed, I felt my hands twitching - I haven't used hands for moving psi for years. So, I did like explained here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENeQ_2A41Us. I increased intensity and visualized channels getting wider until I started feeling my hands warming up from cold (filling up with psi).

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