
The goal of this blog is to motivate myself and others for further practice as well as provide details that might explain what's going on..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I have been fancying the Anumimattvam siddhi (hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body). And in addition to those listed, the ability to reduce on sleeping time without an effect on the body or mind.

Yesterday  I had a feeling that I shouldn't eat unless I really had to. Well, at the same time, I also felt hungry and so I ate (fatty meat food). Before going to sleep (4 hours after eating), I still hadn't digested it and at some point, I had to throw it all up. So, I ended up going to the bathroom about 3-4 times at night.

I really don't like throwing up because I nearly drowned because of this when I was little. So, I desperately tried to move all this stuff down with pk instead. I also tried a construct that would digest it for me, but it only made matters worse.

It's quite rare for me to fall sick (last time it happened about 2-3 years ago) and what is more, I couldn't find any symptoms for a typical flu (frequent heart rate increases, but no fever and no sweating). No, there is a fever of 37 degrees Celsius, but I started to feel it later. Anyway, I miss school today, but need to be okay on the test tomorrow.

Yup, it's a flu - when I couldn't feel the fever anymore and everything seemed to be okay, my nose started bleeding. This usually indicates that a flu is coming =). Well, at the moment, it seems that there's not much of it left and that symptoms have come too late. Also, usually when I'm ill or falling ill, I tend to see fighting (FPS and strategy games against the illness) in the dreams - this hasn't happened. I can remember the dreams of the past few days incredibly well. So, this one caught me totally off guard.

I had started to get a bit arrogant when seeing others ill - I thought it wouldn't happen to me. A good lesson as well as a good internal purification.

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